
Showing posts from January, 2019

7 Vital Things You Need To Know About Complimentary Therapy

Complimentary therapies can be effective catalysts to your fast recovery. These treatments are usually conducted side by side with the regular treatment methods to increase the efficacy of the treatment and speed of the recovery. The objective of the complimentary therapy is to cure the person as a whole and not just a particular symptom of the person, denoting a disease.   The various complimentary treatment procedures such as acupuncture, reflexology, aromatherapy and similar other treatment processes are known collectively as a complimentary therapy. Here are important things you need to know about the complimentary therapies: There are various names for complimentary therapies, like alternative therapy, holistic therapy, and alternative medicine system. Many traditional medical systems have been brought under the purview of alternative or complimentary treatment. Some of these are Ayurveda, Unani, Homeopathy, naturopathy or traditional Chinese medicine. It is not need